Ho Ho Ho, Media Options Sells Santa.com Domain Name

Premium domain name brokerage firm Media Options has sold the premium domain name Santa.com!

The domain name has just moved into Escrow.com holdings according to whois records:

Santa.com Whois Records

Based on the email address used for Escrow, this tells me that payments are being made on the domain name or a potential lease or lease to own. In early August 2016, DotWeekly reported that Santa.org had sold via Sedo, for $13,500 and whois records indicate that a Jennifer Schell was the buyer. Did she also purchase the .com?

Jennifer does own several other Santa related domain names, like TextsFromSanta.com which is a developed website listed under IncubatePRO, Inc. Santa.com IS redirecting to the sub-domain name santa.textsfromsanta.com, so I think it’s clear who the buyer of Santa.com is, although whois records are not showing the owner due to escrow.

I reached out to Andrew Rosener, founder of Media Options for comment on the Santa.com sale but have not heard back immediately at time of posting. I also have a message into Jennifer to see if she can share any information relating to the two domain name purchases. I will update if or when either reply. It is fairly rare that buyer and seller share details, so that is the reason I am posting the article prior to hearing back 🙂 I am hopeful that one is willing to share some details though!

Congrats goes out to both buyer and seller!

Update: Andrew is not able to comment, which is likely due to a NDA.

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